What is the web hosting?
To most of the people who are working online and with the Internet, they need a place to host their website. Web hosting is an Internet-enabled location where the online workers store and host their website for making it visible and to access it.
The process of hosting and storing the website consists of a system, which is known as a server and an Internet connection. The service is well supported by the various hardware and software for a better operation.
What is the term hosting service provider?
The hosting service provider is those organizations which help the various businesses to make their business available online. They are responsible for hosting and managing the businesses to get an access to the Internet.
These providers provide servers or hosts for storing the website and to make it accessible from anywhere. These service providers also enable the organizations and businesses with a server on which they store all their business’s website files. They lend you an Internet connection for being actively available for the website needs.
The providers make sure that you are the only owner for making the modifications to the website and its content while the others can just view it in the form of a website.
What is Cpanel?
CPanel is an interface that is web-enabled and is used to better manage the website. It simply takes care of the website by enhancing its access and reaches by managing the subdomain of the website by creating their email.
C-panel enriches the business with a lot of facilities and benefits so that it can grow its reach and be successful. It is very easy for anyone to manage and work with C-panel because of it’s easy to use interface and interactive designing.
What is Data Center?
The data center is just like a hub of data for the various organizations and business. A data center is a place that contains a lot of servers and systems for storage for providing ample amount of storage space for the business and organizations. The whole place is set up and managed by the service providers.
The service providers make the use of highly configured systems, having enough amount of memory space to manage the various requirements of the data for the business and organization. One can easily access the data from the data center provided because of the high Internet connection and bandwidth available 24*7.
What are Uptime and downtime in web hosting?
Many time, you come across the terms like uptime and downtime while you are making your websites available on the Internet. These two terms have a deep impact on the availability of the website on the Internet.
Uptime is the time when your website is available on the Internet and the people from all around the world can see it. Most of the service provider helps the organization by providing an uptime of 99.9% per day.
Downtime, on the other hand, is the time when the website is not available on the Internet and thus cannot be accessed or viewed by the people. The site whose uptime is 99.9% has a downtime of 1.44% per day. Likewise, the site whose uptime is 99.99% will have a downtime of 8.66% per day.
However, the changing technology of cloud hosting has been delivering the websites with an uptime of 100% by making the use of virtual servers for handling the various needs and requirements of the websites.
What is the domain name?
According to Google, “the parts of a network address which identifies it as belonging to a particular domain.”
A domain name signifies the IP address of the system that is hosting the various websites.
What is domain name registration?
Domain name registration is that process where the IP address of the system which hosted the website is represented by registering a name to it. This is done because of the fact that it is easier for the people to remember a name rather than remembering a lot of numbers. Domain name opens a lot of opportunities for the website by giving it an identity and an easier access by associating a name with it.
What is DNS?
DNS which is also known as Domain Name System is known to have the entire database of the various IP addresses of the system and the respective domain names of the same. It is the responsibility of the DNS server to provide the clients with the required IP address against the corresponding domain name.
Any request made for the domain name of the website first goes to the DNS. It is the DNS which takes care and resolves the domain name against the request and provides the needed IP address of that domain.
What is DHCP server?
DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol has the core responsibility of assigning a temporary IP address to the website of the client from the number system range for giving it an identity to access the Internet.
The clients which call DHCP for allocating the IP address to them is known as the DHCP clients. A system which is trying to get a connection to the Internet firstly goes to the DHCP for obtaining an IP address. The DHCP after allocating the IP address to the system passes the information of the same to the DNS server for further processing.
What are all the hosting types?
The hosting types are:
Free Hosting
Shared Hosting
Virtual Private Server
Cloud Hosting
Dedicated hosting
Free Web Hosting
As the name suggests the free hosting is that type of hosting that is free of any charge. The provider places certain ads on your websites for the cost of hosting your website on their servers. This means that you are not charged for being hosted but the service provider will place their ads on your website for their promotions.
For getting this kind of service, you need to buy a domain name. The major problem with the free hosting is that you don’t get enough space for hosting your site and it has a high downtime. The services of the free hosting are also very slow.
What is shared hosting?
In this method, a single server is shared between two or more domains. All the domains that are sharing the servers are allocated a certain amount of bandwidth, disk space, email accounts, FTP, memory, and database.
What is dedicated hosting?
When you have only one server for taking care of all needs of one particular organization and business, then that server is known to provide you with a dedicated hosting. In such hosting, no server is shared between the various domains or no resources are shared with any of the organization. All the dedicated servers have a unique IP address.
What is collocated hosting?
A collocated hosting is that type of hosting where the users buy and place its own server with an association of the hosting service provider. The hosting service provider, on the other hand, provides the server with all the needed requirements for maintaining its working.
The hosting service provider provides the server with an Internet connection, physical requirements, and the needed power supply for running and working.
What is bandwidth?
Bandwidth represents the amount of data and traffic that is defined to be shared between the user and the server. To meet the present needs of the websites, most of the hosting servers provide a bandwidth without any limit to the various domains being hosted. Sometimes, the amount of bandwidth also depends on the plan that the hosted domains have chosen for themselves.
What is FTP?
Whenever any file needs to be transferred between the client and the server over the network, it makes the use of the client-server protocol which is known as FTP or File Transfer Protocol. This protocol helps the users to perform the various operations with the various files. They can download, upload, move, rename or delete the various files on the server.
What is Database?
The database is the collection of the various data and files which are developed, created and maintained by the system’s application. All the various files and records of the system are stored in the database to allow an easy and quick access to them.
What is IP?
IP is also known as Internet Protocol. It is used for sending and receiving the various data packets from one computer to another through the Internet. All the computers which have their presence over the Internet have one IP address associated with them for their identification to the world.
What is WHM?
WHM is very similar to WHMCS in its working and performance. Where WHMCS is mostly used by the resellers, the WHM, on the other hand, is used by the various web hosting companies for fulfilling their various needs and purposes. The WHM can further be used for installing the C-panel and allocating the needed space to the accounts of the users. However, both of them perform the same job.
What is WHCMS?
WHCMS acts as a billing solution for all the services of the web hosting that you are availing. With the help of the WHCMS, you can manage all your billing needs of the domains, products, clients, payments, and orders. It also allows you to manage your support tickets either manually and in an automatic manner.
What is a VPS server?
Virtual Private Server or VPS is found in the dedicated server. The dedicated server is divided into a VPS when some varying types of resources are allocated to it. The VPS is meant to take care of the allocated resources.
The divided portion of the VPS acts itself as a dedicated server for the resources and has its own IP address. It is the users that can take all the care of the VPS by having its root access.
What is Cloud Linux?
If you are making use of the high-end traffic server, then you need to have an operating system that can handle all the required essentialities of the same. The server that can manage the need of the server handling high traffic on your website is known as a Cloud Linux. Such an operating system is used for providing the server of the website with the needed stability and security for running for its function properly.
What is a fully managed server?
A fully managed server is responsible for handling all the activities of the domain. The provider of the hosting service takes into account each and everything that the domain needs like the activities of managing the panel and taking care of the billing activities.
What is a semi-managed server?
A semi-managed server only takes care of the process of installing the website. The provider of the hosting service stands high behind installing the website on the Internet. All the other activities and the needs of the domain and website is managed and taken care of by the domain owner themselves.
What is an email hosting?
An email hosting is that hosting that takes care of the email servers. It is a type of Internet hosting service which takes care of the premium emails. The following premium emails offer more and better features to the domains than the free email hosting.
The email hosting provides the needed space and memory to the website than the small and insufficient space and memory provided by the free email hosting.
Define the terms POP3 and IMAP protocol?
Internet Message Access Protocol is that protocol that manages the access of the various messages that are processed from the local client side. This protocol is also known as the email protocol as it takes cares of the various emails send and receives from the client side. Both the IMAP and POP3 protocols are one of the most used protocols.
What is a Linux server?
A server that is installed on the Linux operating system is known as the Linux server. The Linux server is used for providing and managing the high traffic websites along with managing the unmetered performances of the various applications of the business.
What do you mean by a Windows server?
It is the group of systems that are managed and powered by the Windows operating system. These groups of systems provide a remarkable and unmatched performance to the various online applications, communications, and the databases.
What is SMTP?
SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a type of TCP/IP protocol which is used for handling and managing the various emails which are sent and received from the client side to the server. It also plays an effective role when there is an exchange of the emails from one email server to another.
What is WordPress?
WordPress is a very popular open source environment that is used by the users for creating their websites and blogs. It is one of the effective ways that are popularly being used by most of the modern day entrepreneurs. Anyone can easily use this as it does not require the knowledge of the coding. It just provides you with some powerful tools for managing the various operations.
WordPress is developed and designed for PHP. Many people around the world are working on making this platform more powerful with every passing day by adding the needed and more advanced features that can increase its efficiency.
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