First Lesson: How to Login to Cpanel and Create Email Accounts
Dear Student,
It has been wonderful. A student joined our online web design class this week and her web hosting and domain name has been registered. You can confirm it here:
You are going to see INDEX of… that is how newly registered website should be until you upload the index page, that is the home page.
I congratulate Felicia for taking action. I know some of you will take action very soon but remember, the first 5 students will only have to pay N5,000 which is for the domain name registration and web hosting for 1 year. That is to say, the first five students are getting the training free. After the first 5, then the price will be N10, 000.00 (maybe reviewed upward later)
I created this course for people who are not in Lagos and those who are working class. One on One training in our office in Lagos is N15,000.00 plus N5,000.000 if you want to get your own website where you can practice.
On the video lesson you are going to download, I promised never to betray the trust you have on me. I will make sure that you enjoy all the training. Please if there is anything you don’t understand, feel free to ask questions. I will be grateful to answer you.
Here is the download link to the first lesson: How to Login to Control Panel and Create Email Account
Your Online Teacher
Stanislaus Okwor
Zion Web Technologies